Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Big school tomorrow

So miss s starts big school tomorrow.
How do I feel??..mixed. Nervous for her and me. The reality has not totally sunk in as yet. It's just another day and I forget it's EVERY day. I know she is ready but it's such a huuuge thing in her life. i watched her last night as she slept and found it hard to believe only 5 years ago I welcomed her to this world having no idea how she would grow so fast and become so independent. I could never imagine she'd be mature enough to dress herself, pick her own clothes even.
so off she will go. Her preschool friends are going to the same school which is a relief and one of her best friends is in her actual class so that makes me feel so much better!!

Another big day tomorrow is for little man as he starts preschool . I am so focussed on Miss s starting school I forget what a big deal for little man it is. he is the more shy out of both of them. He does't have any friends at preschool as yet so I am worried it will take longer for him to settle. I feel awful that he hasn't even had a proper orientation there yet. All he knows of teh preschool is when miss s is picked up and dropped off there last year and the few times we went to church there. I really hope he'll be ok becuase he is getting dropped off first and if he cries i will be an emotional wreck by the time Miss s starts school.


  1. What an emotional week for you with one starting school and the other starting preschool! How did it all go?

  2. she had a great day. it rained the whole entire day but she is with her besty so that's good for her
