Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The Gold Coast holiday. part 1

We have been looking froward to this trip for many weeks. Our biggest stress was which way to travel up there as it's about a 8-9 hour drive....and with 2 out of 3 bad travelling children that feels like 90 hours.The next stress was what car to take. Initially it was always the Trajet but as it has been playing up it was safer to take Dh's Holden rodeo. We decided this a Day before we left so DH had to prepare the ute by putting car seat bolts in and a tarp on the tray to cover our luggage. Despite being a noisy and hot trip it was good in that i could reach the kids to give them food etc.
 So the trip up was to be inland and stop at a motel for the night.....mistake number 1. the trip in itself wasn't bad as we were able to stop at 2 different towns within 1 or so hours of each other and visit friends. So the kids got the chance to go and play, eat, what ever they wanted really. Get to our motel and i straight away thought oh crap why did we do this. It was so small. For the price we paid i expected a bit bigger. don't ask me why. My anxiety crept in when i noticed the door handle was one of those round ones that locks by pushing the button in and to unlock it all you do is turn the handle. Really childproof....not!!DH didn't think it was a drama but i had visions of little man sneaking out and walking onto the highway or something. To make matters worse...both rooms had that door (we had a 2 bedroom room). So I pushed the double bed up against one door and the single bed against the other. DH slept in one room with little man, i slept in the other with miss 4 and bub.
The town itself (Goondiwindi) wasn't too bad. Had a great park for the kids to play in.

I had all intention to give the kids a proper meal that night but we ended up with Red Rooster. Dh went to buy it while i fed bub her rafferty's garden sachet and showered her. Bub went to sleep really well that night, the other 2 took a while which was ok as we allowed them to stay up and play lego etc. I'm not sure if it was the anxiety, stress, or food i ate but i woke up sometime during the night feeling so sick with cramps and ended up vomiting. I freaked out it was a bug but luckily came good after that.
The next morning we put the beds back in their proper place and headed for the Gold Coast. We stopped at a park with this play helicopter. The kids loved it. We had our 2nd lot of fast food already. Back in the car we go, and endured bub screaming most of the way until she finally fell asleep. Before we reached our destination we stopped at Coles to go shopping. I tried to think of a weekly menu at the top of my head and buy things accordingly. Again...i was attempting to feed the kids normal food and not too much take away etc. The kids were beside themself excited. And couldn't wait to get to our place.

Within minutes we rocked up to Harborside Resort. For $80 per night for 2 bedrooms i was quite impressed. The biggest downfall was the noise of other residents and no private balcony.....oh and the door handle. It was exactly the same as at the motel. So every night the big lounge was pushed up against the door to prevent any children escaping.
linking for flashback friday with learning to play and playing to learn


  1. I hate travelling long distances with the kids, makes for a not very relaxing holiday for us Mums. Crazy door handles! At least you could move stuff to keep the kids from escaping out the door.

  2. We are yet to make a big drive to somewhere yet, I am dreading it. Seems as though you guys went okay and had a good holiday also! Thanks for linking up for Flashback Friday Blogshare.
