Friday, 26 August 2011

Five question friday 26/8/11

Click  five question friday to play along and linky link up. this is my first week playing

1. Did you make any fun purchases this week?

i bought 2 cakes for my sister to celebrate her 1st anniversary of her h leaving

2. If you could go to any musical concert, what would it be?

deep blue orchestra were playing in town last week, i would have loved to go

3. What is your least fav/ most fav house chore?
least fav...the washing . it's so monotonous and done every day because if i miss a day i've got to do double the next moment is vacuuming. it jsut makes everything look so clean

4. Would you prefer new appliances or clothes?
clothes for sure. who wouldn't want new clothes

5. Miracle Whip or Mayo?
never had miracle whip so mayo it is, and i actually prefer whole egg mayo :)
i look forward to seeing other's answers

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